Last Tuesday was my birthday. And although I am happy to have reached another year of life, I am upset about something and have been for almost four months.

The e-book version of my novel. The Kindle version, to be more precise.

When my first novel, Relations, was published, it was available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-A-Million and Abbott Press among other retailers.

Fast-forward to November 2016 and it’s gone from Amazon.


The paperback and hardcover versions are still available on Amazon but the Kindle version is nowhere to be found.

Like I said, that was in November 2016 when I found out and I still don’t know why.

To say that I’ve been a bit perturbed about it would be an understatement because my publisher has known about this since August 2016. Maybe even longer.

And if I hadn’t stumbled on this issue, I probably wouldn’t even know about it now.

Authors should be able to get information about any issues(?) with their books without a lot of rigmarole.

I would’ve appreciated a letter or an e-mail, even.

It’s still available as an e-book through Barnes and Noble, Abbott Press and other online websites so what could the issue be? More information has been leaked about the White House than about why it’s no longer available on Amazon.

It’s infuriating–they’ve got all the information they need about us–they’ve practically got my blood type and mother’s maiden name but when you make inquiries, all-of-a-sudden, you’re persona non grata or something.

Depending on who I talk to, there doesn’t seem to be any constructive advice given regarding how I (actually they) will be rectifying this conundrum.

If there was, my birthday wish will have been granted.