Hi Everyone!
I spoke about with you all about my issues with my publishing company before. Sometime in November 2016, the e-book version of my contemporary romance novel, Relations, disappeared without an explanation. For months I went back and forth with the publishing company as well as Amazon about it. There was something wrong but they wouldn’t ‘fess up as to what it was, except that I wasn’t the other author whose e-book had suffered this fate.
Big freakin’ deal. That does nothing for my pride nor my bottom line.
So after getting nowhere with that, I decided to do something about it. Although it cost me additional monies to re-cover it and re-format it, I decided to self-publish it. And here it is, just in time for Valentine’s Day, my e-book, Relations! To say that it was a bit of an undertaking would be an understatement. What infuriates me is just as mysteriously as it disappeared in late 2016, it returned earlier this month! Over 14 months of it disappearing from Amazon. Well, it’s too late, in my opinion, because I can’t depend on the whims of my former publishing company when it comes to getting my written word out to the public so my newly covered version of Relations is now available.
For a preview, click here: https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B079LHC8ZK&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_0XAGAbNM7BAND
I came to reblog your post but you don’t have a reblog button. If you add it I’ll share your post. 🙂
I told you when you were having problems with your site. Then the reblog button reappeared. Now it’s gone again, I guess. I am beyond done with WordPress.