This poem is inspired by Lovely Curses’ blog,
More than, less than
I hate the word Minority
it means less than.
It’s supposed to refer to our numbers
but how do we know
that it’s not the opposite of we can?
Categories in general
just set my teeth on edge.
There are too many of them around.
Into our hearts, it drives a wedge.
More than, less than
may we just equate
that we are all human beings
born of the human race?
Mankind is supposed to be superior
to all living things.
Sometimes I don’t see it, though,
’cause countless wars still persist,
their ends we’ll never know.
Pamela D. Beverly #BlaPoWriMo
Beautifully written, Pamela! I share your distaste for the word minority. We’re all human beings, so why must labels persist? We have dominion over the creatures of the earth, not over people who may be a different skin color or ethnic background.
Thanks for joining #BlaPoWriMo! 🙂
I’m not a poet by any stretch of the imagination so thank you for your compliment!