Well, here it is.

A new look for my website.

It’s been a long time coming.

I had to deal with a long-time issue of an old ankle injury, resulting in several surgeries to correct it. The jury’s still out ’cause it’s not totally correct yet.

As for writing–well, medication (hell, that could be a story in and of itself), physical therapy and the process of recovery took a lot out of me. When I couldn’t use my laptop because of a technical problem, I was all gung-ho to get going on my writing. Once the problem was resolved, I couldn’t get into it. Unlike a lot of writers, I have to feel the inspiration and it wasn’t happening. If I don’t have it, I can’t fake it.

Right now I’m revisiting my manuscript for my upcoming novel, Labyrinth. I hope to have it ready soon.

How ’bout you? Are you able to jump back into writing right after or while facing a personal ordeal?