As an adjunct to Chris the Story Reading Ape’s blog about two weeks ago,, I’d been a bit perturbed after discovering the following websites: and I immediately contacted my publisher, who did some checking and informed me that they are not websites downloading free copies of my e-book. They are,most likely what Chris mentoned in his blog, a click farm devised to have you click on the link in order to infect your device with a virus or spyware.
Well, that didn’t make me feel any better but I do feel better knowing that I can do my part in making other authors and readers aware. If you see same or any suspicious-looking urls when you bring up your book’s title, do not click on them!
Reblogged this on Chris The Story Reading Ape's Blog and commented:
Pamela identifies two more Illegal Click Farm Book Download sites…
If criminals worked half as hard at an honest job, as they do at trying to rob others of property or peace of mind, they’d make a good living.
Amen to that, Christine!
Reblogged this on KATE JACK'S BLOG and commented:
Beware these sites!
I guess we have to do the policing, Kate and thanks for the reblog.
Double like! Stomp ’em all dead.
Thanks for sharing. <3
You’re welcome!
Thank you for posting this.
You’re welcome, Jack.
Thanks for the re-blogs and comments, everyone.
Hackers, pirates and thieves- three of my pet peeves!