Frank Ellis has it all—good looks, a charismatic personality that draws people to his financial seminars in droves, and a multitude of women for the choosing. Unfortunately, it isn’t enough anymore.
As Frank leads one of his entertaining seminars on financial planning, one audience member captures his attention—the beautiful Delilah Carpenter from Savannah, Georgia. Bewitched by her charming accent and sexy curves, he is thrilled when he encounters her again in the hotel bar after the seminar. They go to dinner, but not before he has had too much to drink. After he makes a less-than-favorable impression, he passes out at the table, leaving Delilah to ensure he gets back to his room safely. When he awakens the next morning and discovers she has already checked out, Frank wonders if he will ever get a chance to redeem himself.
Frank and Delilah come from different races, different backgrounds, and different parts of the country. But in a passionate affair of two lonely hearts, only time will tell if all of that really matters.
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Paperback: 266 pages • Publisher: Abbott Press (May 31, 2012) • Language: English
ISBN-10: 1458203794 • ISBN-13: 978-1458203793