I’m sure that I’m showing my ignorance but humor me because I just don’t understand.
I watched on the news recently and also read an article about an ice sheet breaking off of a glacier in Greenland and raising the sea level.
Meanwhile, the West Coast of the United States (along with a fair amount of areas in Europe) is on fire. Literally
This frustrates me to no end. We can send astronauts to the moon and Mars, in the name of exploration. Some wealthy folks are able to go on a jaunty day trip to the edges of space. We can turn recycled plants into a number of products, for example, shoes. Some cities are painting their asphalt a light color. They are doing it n order to reflect the sun’s rays and heat away from the streets and as such, cool these locations. William Mulholland (of Mulholland Drive, among other structures and infrastructure) was responsible for building the Los Angeles Aqueduct. This would transport and supply water to the City of Los Angeles. He had his share of issues, some might say, but for the purposes of this post, I am simply asking:
Why can’t we, the inhabitants of Greenland, Europe, Canada, the United States, or someone, determine a way to de-salinate (remove the salt) from the humongous amounts of water deposited in the oceans as a result of the massive chunks breaking off of glaciers? After that, there’s the matter of getting it to areas that could use it.
Why aren’t scientists, civil engineers, and frankly, folks that enjoy reading and watching scary stuff about the Earth’s demise trying to figure that out?
Too much rain in the eastern half of the United States; not enough rain in the western half. A clear case of the haves and the have-nots.
Sure, I know that I’m over-simplifying the issue and I already admitted that it is way above my pay grade. So where are the smarty-pants that can dissect it and more importantly, devise ways to handle these two issues?
Yes, I know that the costs would no doubt be astronomical, the same thing can be said for rockets, the international space station, oil refinery platforms out in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the huge ships and aircraft carriers strewn all over the world. So is everything that is deemed a worthwhile endeavor.
Hell, make it a contest, if you have to. People love contests and if they need an incentive, how about bragging rights for the individual, group, agency, or country that comes up with the solution? They might even be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize later on and that’s not chump change.
Barring that, you may ask, “What’s my motivation?” How about giving some assistance to Mother Nature?
You could do a lot worse. And that should make you feel warm all over, in a good way.