by | Apr 18, 2016 | The Way I See It
Returning from a weeklong cruise, I find myself being introspective. Maybe I’m just getting older (aren’t we all?) but whenever I gazed at the ship I sailed on or the airplane I flew on, I kept thinking, mankind (and this goes without saying that women are...
by | Feb 6, 2016 | A Writer's Life, The Way I See It
Trying my hand at Sonya’s challenge, Whatcha lookin’ at? Let’s trade places. How ’bout that? You’ve got to read it with a Robert De Niro type of attitude, on the part of...
by | Feb 3, 2016 | A Writer's Life, The Way I See It
This is my contribution to LovelyCurses blog: Blood has been shed. “I’m not gonna vote,” you said. Was it all for naught? How much time have you got? Does it really take that...
by | Dec 2, 2015 | A Writer's Life
I would classify this as a short story or maybe a novella. I just happened to come across it when I was reading the Romance Novels of Color newsletter section, Free Reads. I don’t know if that had anything to do with the formatting issues and there were...
by | Oct 8, 2015 | A Writer's Life
She saw the bundle in the corner, covered by dirty blankets. It moved. It was freezing cold. No wonder it was trying to find cover or at least a little bit of it under the shredded and filthy fabric. It must be desperate, she thought. She was just about to walk on...