
Returning from a weeklong cruise, I find myself being introspective. Maybe I’m just getting older (aren’t we all?) but whenever I gazed at the ship I sailed on or the airplane I flew on, I kept thinking, mankind (and this goes without saying that women are...

Three Line Tales – Switch

Trying my hand at Sonya’s challenge, Whatcha lookin’ at? Let’s trade places. How ’bout that? You’ve got to read it with a Robert De Niro type of attitude, on the part of...

A Poem for the Voter – Vote!

This is my contribution to LovelyCurses blog: Blood has been shed. “I’m not gonna vote,” you said. Was it all for naught? How much time have you got? Does it really take that...

Review of Diamond in the Rough by Sylvia Hubbard

I would classify this as a short story or maybe a novella. I just happened to come across it when I was reading the Romance Novels of Color newsletter section, Free Reads. I don’t know if that had anything to do with the formatting issues and there were...

Finish It #34 – Surprise!

She saw the bundle in the corner, covered by dirty blankets. It moved. It was freezing cold. No wonder it was trying to find cover or at least a little bit of it under the shredded and filthy fabric. It must be desperate, she thought. She was just about to walk on...