Three Line Tales – Switch

Trying my hand at Sonya's challenge, Whatcha lookin' at? Let's trade places. How 'bout that? You've got to read it with a Robert De Niro type of attitude, on the part of the cow. 🙂  

A Poem for the Voter – Vote!

This is my contribution to LovelyCurses blog: Blood has been shed. "I'm not gonna vote," you said. Was it all for naught? How much time have you got? Does it really take that long? Not as long...


This poem is inspired by Lovely Curses' blog, More than, less than I hate the word Minority it means less than. It's supposed to refer to our numbers but how do we know that it's...

Who Would’ve Thought…

...that it would be this difficult to secure a narrator for my audiobook? It started off great and although the few that I auditioned weren't the right voices for my novel, Relations, it seemed as if the interest was there. Now it isn't. I really don't know. I'm...

The Waiting Begins

Okay, so about two weeks ago, I told all of you about plunging into the world of audiobooks. It started off great. I listened to three narrators the day after I put out the call for them. However, there are two that have not auditioned for me but I have listened to...