Afghanistan–Our “Vietnam Conflict”

Is Afghanistan our “Vietnam Conflict”? Years ago, I remember hearing the title of a television documentary with the title: Vietnam, The Ten Thousand Day War (or 19-1/2 years, to be more precise). Just hearing that number in days and, even more appalling,...

Our Most Precious Resource

I’ve been shaking my head a lot lately. I just don’t understand. How does a person abduct and keep young girls hostage for a decade? A grown man. A former bus driver. What’s happened to mankind? Seems to me that we’re virtually speeding our...

A True Valentine’s Day Gift

As I go about my daily activities, I have to shake my head when I think about the many instances of hatred/inconsideration/nastiness that I witness or experience on a given day. The co-worker who doesn’t speak to you when they see you in the morning but...

Did You Think it Would be Like This?

I think that most of us that write consider ourselves to be creative types. Thinking of a topic to write about, proofreading it endlessly, submitting it to editors, agonizing over the content they want you to cut out or defending that which you think should remain in...