by | Jul 31, 2018 | Book Reviews
This story revolves around Matilda “Tilly” Beeston, whose a strait-laced, twenty-two year old, Olivia “Liv”, her controlling but ailing mother and Tilly’s stepbrother, Conrad Raleigh Beeston, III. But don’t let the hoity-toity...
by | Feb 12, 2018 | A Writer's Life
Hi Everyone! I spoke about with you all about my issues with my publishing company before. Sometime in November 2016, the e-book version of my contemporary romance novel, Relations, disappeared without an explanation. For months I went back and forth with the...
by | Oct 13, 2017 | A Writer's Life
Introducing my contemporary romance novel, The Love Labyrinth–Now available in audiobook format! It is available on Audible, Amazon and I-Tunes! To purchase, go to my book’s page on The link to it on Audible is:...
by | Sep 14, 2017 | A Writer's Life
Hey Everybody, I’ve been working on something behind the scenes and now I can reveal it–my contemporary romance novel, The Love Labyrinth, will soon be available as an audiobook on Audible, and iTunes! For those of you who can’t find the...
by | Jul 10, 2017 | A Writer's Life
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