by | Oct 8, 2016 | A Writer's Life
Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in Washington, DC and am the youngest of five siblings. I am a Federal government employee by day, with over 32 years under my belt. I love to read and am thankful that the e-book came about (to contain my book collection)...
by | Apr 18, 2016 | The Way I See It
Returning from a weeklong cruise, I find myself being introspective. Maybe I’m just getting older (aren’t we all?) but whenever I gazed at the ship I sailed on or the airplane I flew on, I kept thinking, mankind (and this goes without saying that women are...
by | Feb 3, 2016 | A Writer's Life, The Way I See It
This is my contribution to LovelyCurses blog: Blood has been shed. “I’m not gonna vote,” you said. Was it all for naught? How much time have you got? Does it really take that...
by | Jan 21, 2016 | A Writer's Life
…that it would be this difficult to secure a narrator for my audiobook? It started off great and although the few that I auditioned weren’t the right voices for my novel, Relations, it seemed as if the interest was there. Now it isn’t. I really...
by | Oct 11, 2015 | A Writer's Life
Clark Johnson – Southern-born, he’s an easy-going, fun-loving type of guy. He’s struck by Noelle’s vulnerability beneath the shield of domestic duty she’s cloaked herself in. Her dark eyes tell a different story… Stay...