by | Oct 11, 2015 | A Writer's Life
Clark Johnson – Southern-born, he’s an easy-going, fun-loving type of guy. He’s struck by Noelle’s vulnerability beneath the shield of domestic duty she’s cloaked herself in. Her dark eyes tell a different story… Stay...
by | Oct 4, 2015 | A Writer's Life
Wayne Harrison – Hardworking. Always reaching up to grasp another rung on the ladder of success, he loves his family and Noelle but can’t understand why she can’t understand.
by | Sep 26, 2015 | A Writer's Life
Noelle Harrison – A no-nonsense mother of two, she loves her husband and family but has become frustrated with her husband Wayne’s frequent business trips. She slammed a kichen cabinet door so hard that the dishes rattled. “Why can’t his...